Part 1: Product Specifications
Template 1A:
Product Specification (Standard Version)
Design, materials, colors, standards and everything else that defines your product.
Template 1A:
Product Specification (Apparel & Textiles)
Design, materials, colors, standards and everything else that defines your product.
Template 1A:
Product Specification (Wrist Watches)
Design, materials, colors, standards and everything else that defines your product.
Part 2: Supplier Research
Template 2A:
Supplier RFQ
Send this file to your supplier when requesting a quotation. The supplier shall return the same file,
with price data and other information.
Email Template 1:
Use this email template when contacting the suppliers for the first time by email. Its purpose is to present you as a serious buyer.
Part 3: Product Samples
Template 3A:
Product Sample Terms
Covers sample specifications, mold ownership, IP ownership, order terms and more. Fill in before ordering product samples.
Template 3B:
Product Sample Revision
Use this template to list product sample errors or quality issues to your supplier.
Email Template 2:
Product Sample Terms
Use this email template when you submit the Product Sample Terms to the supplier. It explains why you require that they sign this document.
Part 4: Production & Quality Control
Template 4A:
Production Manual
Define product specifications, applicable regulations, payment terms, shipping terms and much more with this template.
Template 4B:
Quality Control Checklist
Lists suggestions for various quality checks for your products. You must not add all tests on the checklist. You can also add your own items to the checklists, or modify it as you wish.
Template 4C:
Purchase Order
Send this document to your supplier whenever you place a new order.
Email Template 3:
Order Confirmation
Use this email template when sending the Agreement draft to the supplier, for initial review and approval.